Of course, everyone knows to brush and floss twice a day. But what about during and after snacks and meals? And between meals? I mean, why wait till bedtime to prevent cavities if they are already starting while you eat?
The simplest, easiest thing to do is to rinse your mouth vigorously and thoroughly with water as you are eating and at least three times within two minutes after you eat. And occasionally rinse your mouth vigorously and thoroughly with water between meals too.
This dilutes dental plaque acids and washes some food debris off your teeth so the microbes have less food to ferment. Lastly, never skip doing oral hygiene before bedtime! Nighttime is when your mouth turns into a warm, moist incubator to grow BILLIONS of dental pathogens that attack your teeth and gums.
There are many other things you can and should do, but we're trying to keep each newsletter as simple as possible, yet effective. For example, you could strengthen your teeth, remineralize them, use xylitol gum, use dental probiotics, avoid feeding the decay germs, and many other concepts you'll learn in future newsletters. So stay tuned.